I am particularly saddened by the plight of our wild mustangs! Did you know that grazing fields for cattle out west are now where our wild mustangs lived their whole life. Now they are being rounded up by helicopter to be sent to permanent corrals waiting to be shipped out for slaughter. Please please support The Safe Act. It will stop any US horses from being shipped to slaughter out of the country. Please. It’s so simple.

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Thanks for your comments. Please feel free to let us know more by emailing me here: https://adamsforms.house.gov/contact/

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If he is guilty then he deserves the consequences.

Where is the outrage of Bidens selling secrets and favors to foreign countries and now sending billions there? It goes both ways and all politicians need to come clean

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Mrs Adams, where were you when Hillary Clinton had government e mails and sensitive government info on a server in her personal apartment bathroom, then when called on it, she had staff clean everything and smash cell phones. Her server was not protected and could easily been hacked, some Democrats say it was by Russia. She knowingly did this, her actions were just as bad as Trumps....yet, Comey stated that she didn't do this intentionally and did not bring charges. Do you all in government think we the people are stupid? She intentionally destroyed her e mails when called out on it, just as Trump was asked to turn over documents and did not. So why the unequal justice? If nobody is above the law, why isn't Biden and Pence being charged also for having top secrete documents in their possession. Yes, they worked with the government while Trump did not......but shouldn't they be charged with something minor at least, a slap on the hand. Since my crime is not as bad as your crime , means I am ok to break the law, really? The unequal justice is obvious respectfully.

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Tina, it's all a distraction and timing is everything. We need to stop the 'sides' and prosecute everyone as whether left or right wing; they're from the same bird and that bird has been flying way too high lately and leaving their nest to burn!

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Overall agree, but who is "we"? We the people? We the representatives need to stop the sides things. What do we the people do, sit by and do nothing? Bill Clinton as he presided as President would be considered a compassionate conservative today.......the left would never vote for him today. As for Adams, she is far from a moderate liberal, look at her voting record and congressional score, she is up there with AOC....she is part of the problem, not the solution of working together, agreeing to disagree, to do what is right for we the people. She even stated in her initial Adams Alert, she is going to represent us all with HER values etc, not what we the people want. She needs to go respectfully.

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Tina, 'we' are 'everyone' in the 12th District but Adams doesn't seem to recognize us which is evident by the bills she proposes and supports. Meanwhile, the middle class is disappearing across the country and District 12 is deteriorating based on crime and poverty levels history

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You are correct, but I do pull for one side since it is the lessor of the two evils but would vote for a person on the left if they were reasonable. Hey......why don't you run for the 12th, you would get my vote!

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I don't have time to fix the whole government but I do save taxpayers' money one program at a time.

Thanks !

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