Adams 🚨 Alert: The Unnecessary National Security Crisis
President Trump is indicted a second time, Adams introduces legislation to help small farmers, and Charlotte Douglas International Airport breaks ground a fourth parallel runway.
When President Trump was indicted by the State of New York in March, I said Mr. Trump, like every other American, is entitled to due process. It is a core promise of our Constitution.
I continued, “This is a sad day for our country. Justice doesn’t celebrate, justice isn’t vengeful, and it doesn’t find joy in accountability.”
Those words remain true with last week’s news of a second indictment against Donald Trump, this time for willful retention of national defense information, a.k.a. classified documents.
However, the seriousness and gravity of the crimes he is charged with in federal court - you can read the indictment for yourself here - are far beyond any crime the former president has been charged with before.
As the indictment notes, "the unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, [and] the safety of the United States military." Again, while Mr. Trump is entitled to due process and a vigorous defense, I can’t ignore that he is recorded on tape saying he didn’t declassify these documents.
Donald John Trump is accused of revealing national security secrets that could put the men and women who serve our country in harm’s way. That is unacceptable, and a completely unnecessary breach of national security. I’m disappointed Mr. Trump would make such a mockery of the oath that we swore to protect and defend the Constitution, and disgusted that he would so carelessly take actions that could hurt the members of our armed forces.
I hope all of my colleagues in Congress treat this indictment seriously, with the gravity it deserves. Again, this is a sad day for our country, and a crisis for our national security.
Thanks for reading, and for being engaged in our Democracy.

On Friday, June 9, the Office of Congresswoman Alma Adams joined Mayor Vi Lyles, Senator Thom Tillis, local elected officials, and many others in attending the ceremonial groundbreaking for the Fourth Parallel Runway at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
Over 9 years in Congress, our office has consistently worked to make sure our airport remains an economic engine for the Charlotte region and the Carolinas.
Congresswoman Adams voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which will provide over $200 million in grants for Charlotte Douglas International Airport over five years.
She voted for the HEROES Act and did significant work on the Payroll Support Program during the pandemic, which kept airport workers employed.
She consistently advocated for the new airport control tower and helped secure its federal funding.
Adams, Scott Ask Republicans to Put Actions Behind Their Words and Hold Hearing on Child Labor Violations
Adams, Booker, Strickland, McGovern Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Ensure Equitable Access to USDA Programs for Small Farms
Adams Statement on Second Indictment of Donald John Trump
H.R. 2793 - Encouraging Public Offerings Act of 2023
This bill provides statutory authority for all issuers of securities to use certain offering procedures that are available to emerging growth companies.
Specifically, the bill allows under statute issuers of securities to communicate with potential investors to ascertain interest in a contemplated securities offering, either before or after the filing of a registration statement (i.e., test the waters).
Additionally, issuers are allowed under statute to submit a confidential draft registration statement to the Securities and Exchange Commission for review prior to public filing or within one year after the initial public offering or registration.
I voted YES.
Our 12th Congressional District Satellite Office Hours have resumed!
Our staff are available multiple times every month in Huntersville and Concord to serve 12th District residents. Office hours are open to any 12th District constituent in need of assistance with a federal issue.
Satellite office hours are in addition to daily office hours at our Washington, D.C. and Charlotte offices.
The monthly office hours schedule is as follows:
First and Third Tuesdays – 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Second and Fourth Thursdays – 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
North County Regional Library
16500 Holly Crest Lane
Huntersville, NC 28078
First and Third Wednesdays – 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Cabarrus County Government Center
65 Church Street South
Concord, NC 28025
While votes, speeches and legislation are the most visible aspects of congressional work, some of the most important work our office does is at the district level here in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and Cabarrus County. Our exceptional 12th Congressional District team is always on hand to help our constituents navigate issues with federal agencies.
Constituents seeking assistance in Charlotte or outside of satellite office hours are advised to call the Charlotte District Office at (704) 344-9950 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
US Department of Labor announces more than $12M in grant funding available to support worker safety, health training initiatives
The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of more than $12.7 million in funding to make more good jobs available to the U.S. workforce by supporting training initiatives designed to promote safe and healthy in the nation’s workplaces.
Administered by the department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program includes funding opportunities for Targeted Topic Training, Training and Educational Materials Development, and new Capacity Building training grants for nonprofit organizations. Grants will support recipients’ efforts to provide instructor-led remote and in-person hands-on training for workers and employers in small businesses; industries with high injury, illness and fatality rates; and vulnerable workers, who are underserved, have limited English proficiency, or are temporary workers.
Specifically, the Harwood grants will fund training and education on how to recognize, avoid and control hazards, and inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Funding will be available in the following categories:
Targeted Topic Training: Supporting educational programs that identify and prevent workplace hazards. Applicants must conduct training on OSHA-designated workplace safety and health hazards.
Training and Educational Materials Development: Supporting the development of quality classroom-ready training and educational materials that identify and prevent workplace hazards.
Capacity Building: Supporting organizations in developing new training programs to assess needs and plan for full-scale safety and health education programs, expanding their capacity to provide workplace safety and health training, education and related assistance to workers and employers.
Applicants must register with and to apply for a grant opportunity. Submit applications at by 11:59 p.m. EDT on July 7, 2023.
OSHA will host a webinar, “How to Prepare a Competitive Susan Harwood Training Grant Application,” to assist organizations in preparing grant applications on May 25, 2023, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EDT. Register for the webinar.
OSHA awards grants to nonprofit organizations, including community, faith-based, grassroot organizations, employer associations, labor unions, joint labor/management associations, Indian tribes, and public/state colleges and universities to provide free workplace safety and health training.
Federal Grant Alert: Air Pollution Control
Mecklenburg County – Congressional District 12 Grant Award
Funding Amount this Action: $500,000.00
Total Approved Amount: $3,778,603.00
Statutory Authority Summary: Clean Air Act: Sec. 105
Assistance Program: 66.001/Air Pollution Control Program Support
Project Title: Air Pollution Control Program Support
The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to provide supplemental funding in the amount of $115,350, and an extension of the Project and Budget end dates from September 30, 2021 to September 30, 2023, to Mecklenburg County, NC, in its efforts to implement air pollution control programs throughout Mecklenburg North Carolina, including continuing development and implementation of stationary source regulations; continuing promulgation and update of enhanced mobile source regulations; improvement of emission inventories for modeling simulations; and to operate a monitoring network that collects air data. The specific outcomes of this cooperative agreement will improve and maintain the public’s air quality. Direct Beneficiaries of this cooperative agreement are citizens of Mecklenburg County.
Save the Date: Adams Hunger Initiative Meeting
June 29 at 11 AM at Johnson C. Smith University
Featuring Congressman Jim McGovern of Massachusetts
As a senior member of the House Committee on Agriculture’s Subcommittee on Nutrition and Oversight, Congressman McGovern has been a tireless advocate for ending hunger in America and around the world. He fought for and secured the first ever White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in 2022.
This meeting of the Adams Hunger Initiative will discuss the 2023 Farm Bill and food programs like SNAP and TANF.
I’ve signed on as an original cosponsor of the Debt Ceiling Reform Act in the House.
Unfortunately, as we saw over the past few months, our current debt ceiling process is broken. Extremists can use the debt ceiling to hold Congress hostage and threaten the entire economy. Because of our increasing partisanship, Congress is becoming less and less capable of stopping these games.
While we averted a default this time, I can’t overstate how devastating a default would be. It would likely result in an economic recession or depression, make the dollar less valuable, severely harm retirement investments, and ultimately add to the national debt.
The Debt Ceiling Reform Act will end weaponization of the debt ceiling by making it harder for Congress to take our economy hostage. It authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to continue paying the nation’s bills. Unless Congress votes to disapprove, the Treasury department will always be able to avoid a catastrophic default.
Paying our nation’s bills used to be a shared, bipartisan responsibility until extremists began taking the debt ceiling hostage for political gain. The Debt Ceiling Reform Act will put a stop to these unnecessary and avoidable crises.
That’s where I’ll lay my hat for this week. Thanks for reading!
I am particularly saddened by the plight of our wild mustangs! Did you know that grazing fields for cattle out west are now where our wild mustangs lived their whole life. Now they are being rounded up by helicopter to be sent to permanent corrals waiting to be shipped out for slaughter. Please please support The Safe Act. It will stop any US horses from being shipped to slaughter out of the country. Please. It’s so simple.
If he is guilty then he deserves the consequences.
Where is the outrage of Bidens selling secrets and favors to foreign countries and now sending billions there? It goes both ways and all politicians need to come clean