Love the art competitions. What a great idea.

I have many concerns. Of course I agree 100% on the McCarthy mess over raising the dept.

Also, I'm totally upset by the fact that people are elected and take campaign contributions from one party and then are allowed to switch midterm. Both in NC and the US Congress. I think we need a law saying the person MUST stay in that party until the end of term or resign. Otherwise the new trick for the R's is not just gerrymandering, voter fraud and ... but getting a person elected in a Democratic leaning district and then having them switch parties AFTER they are elected. This could be the new fraud and lie they pursue.

The main issues I am concerned about are: 1. the R's trying to destroy the public schools; 2. the need for the Direct Support Professionals who work with people with disabilities to make a living wage. This is critical if people are going to be able to live in the community instead of expensive segregated institutions. As you know there are close to 17,000 people in NC who are waiting for the HCBS supported living waivers. This is a crisis. 3. About a million other issues affecting the rights of women, people with disabilities and other vulnerable people. Thanks for fighting for our rights and democracy.

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lol..........you are funny. You Democrats bullied State Rep. Tricia Cotham and her FAMILY just like they did Kyrsten Sinema in the US Senate. Tell me I am wrong! Following and bullying Sinema into the restrooms in Congress shouting and yelling at her. You and your party preach compassion and acceptance, what a joke......you will turn on your own if they think for themselves and do not agree with the progressive far left. If Bill Clinton ran for the Democratic nomination for President, he would not get elected today you all have gone so far left. Again......tell me I am wrong, Bill Clinton would almost be considered a liberal conservative today.

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Elected officials have been switching parties in both directions since 1855. There is no "new trick" in that.

Maybe instead of voting party line, you should get to know the candidates and vote for the ones whose beliefs align most closely with yours.

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Thank you!

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Thank you for representing me, us and our whole community.

Keep up the hard work.

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Enjoyed the premiere issue of Adams Alerts. Thanks. Please keep pressing to resolve the debt ceiling crisis to prevent default. The world cannot afford the ensuing economic disaster.

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Mrs Adams, why should my tax money pay for student loan debt of others and their poor choices? I went to college and payed my debt off, you and the government did not help me. The issue is, the cost of college and the choice of degree fields that students chase. You and the Democrats continue to divide we the people, and this is just one example.

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"Waivers and Modifications of Federal Student Loans" is another way of saying, buying votes. Let your yes be yes and your no be no, it was all about getting the young/college vote in the last election and your NO vote on H.J.Res. 45 shows that.

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I disagree with taxpayers paying off student debt. There are too many people that worked hard to payoff their school loans and even more that took out loans to attend a trade school or start a business. Why should WE bail them out. We can't reward people for making bad decisions. Failed banks do it all the time (bad banking decisions bailed out by taxpayers). Do you think we should bail out banks for making bad decisions? Congresswoman, get off your partisan band wagon, and make decisions for the people you represent, not because your party told you to vote a certain way.

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Congresswoman Adams,

I am still trying to get to “know” you since Congressman Hudson was previously my Representative. Can you state for me your position on term limits? Thank you in advance.

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Adams Alerts "isn’t partisan or political. It’s what we should be doing for the folks we represent, regardless of party or affiliation". Mrs. Adams, please work for we the people of NC's 12th. You congressional voting record is left of left, not even center left...........I pray that you really do care for ALL in your district.

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I think that homeless people and those receiving social security should be able to recycle metals without listing the income on their tax returns. This would provide extra income and would save on energy, landfill space, and collection labor. Imagine how much space a water heater or fridge or a washer/dryer takes up!

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Thank you Rep Adams!

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