Mrs. Adams, the federal interest rate is at a 20 year high and inflation 2 years over is just shy of 9%. Your sister, Kamala just stated that most families in America are a $400.00 expense from going into bankruptcy. states that Biden comment that real wages have exceeded inflation is false. How is Bidenomics helping the middle and bottom with numbers like this? It's not! In Al Gores own words "the inflation reduction act its really a climate change bill". The President and his family are self enriching themselves on the back of us tax payers you even care who "the Big Guy" is? I thought "nobody was above the law" as you Democrats always proclaim.
Mrs. Adams, the federal interest rate is at a 20 year high and inflation 2 years over is just shy of 9%. Your sister, Kamala just stated that most families in America are a $400.00 expense from going into bankruptcy. states that Biden comment that real wages have exceeded inflation is false. How is Bidenomics helping the middle and bottom with numbers like this? It's not! In Al Gores own words "the inflation reduction act its really a climate change bill". The President and his family are self enriching themselves on the back of us tax payers you even care who "the Big Guy" is? I thought "nobody was above the law" as you Democrats always proclaim.