Dear Friends,
Throughout American History, women have worked to move the arc of the moral universe towards justice. From Harriet Tubman’s underground railroad, to the suffragette movement of Susan B. Anthony, and the electoral strides made by Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, Secretary Hillary Clinton, and Vice President Kamala Harris, American women have proven time and time again that we will not sit in submission but will always fight for justice and equality under the law.
Right now, women around the country find ourselves again in a fight for one of our basic, fundamental rights— the right to make our own healthcare decisions. As we saw with the recent decision from the Alabama Supreme Court to outlaw In Vitro Fertilization, the overturning of Roe v. Wade was just the beginning.
On International Women’s Day, let us reflect on all of the contributions that women have made to our nation. We must also recommit ourselves to building a better world where all women have equal pay, reproductive freedom, and an equal opportunity to thrive.
Another productive week in Washington
This week in Washington was another productive one! I was so happy to welcome Charlotte City Councilwoman Renee Johnson to my office. I was also honored to have Mecklenburg County Sherriff Garry McFadden attend President Biden’s State of the Union as my guest.
The President knocked it out of the park with his speech on Thursday. By focusing on our health, our well-being, and our basic needs first, President Biden has created a growing worker-centered economy. He’s rebuilding our economy from the bottom up, taking on corporations and foreign competitors, going after price gouging and fighting for working families like the one that raised him. His vision for America is materializing. You can’t work hard if you’re unhealthy, and you can’t be healthy if you’re hungry. I’m ready to keep fighting with him, to ensure all families have enough to eat, the opportunity to work and find prosperity, their human rights respected, and a democracy that serves them.
There is still more work to do, but with President Biden and House Democrats in charge, we can finish the job.
WCSF Scholarships Now Open!
All Veterans exposed to toxins and other hazards during military service are now eligible for VA health care!
The VA announced that all Veterans who were exposed to toxins and other hazards while serving in the military – at home or abroad – are now eligible to enroll directly in VA health care. This means that all Veterans who served in the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Global War on Terror, or any other combat zone after 9/11 are eligible to enroll in VA health care without first applying for VA benefits. Additionally, Veterans who never deployed but were exposed to toxins or hazards while training or on active duty in the United States are eligible to enroll.
As directed by President Biden, this expansion of VA health care eliminates the phased-in approach called for by the PACT Act – meaning that millions of Veterans are becoming eligible for VA health care up to eight years earlier than written into law. This is a critical step forward because Veterans who are enrolled in the VA health care are proven to have better health outcomes than non-enrolled Veterans, and VA hospitals have dramatically outperformed non-VA hospitals in overall quality ratings and patient satisfaction ratings. Additionally, VA health care is often more affordable than non-VA health care for Veterans.
For more information about how the PACT Act is helping Veterans and their survivors, visit the VA’s PACT Act Dashboard. To apply for care or benefits today, visit or call 1-800-MYVA411. More information on eligibility can be found at
Congresswoman Alma Adams Appoints New Cadet to West Point Military Academy
Congresswoman Adams is proud to announce the appointment of Davidson resident Ben Sheppard to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point this week for the Fall 2024 Semester.
Ben Sheppard, a senior at William Amos Hough High School, received personal congratulations from Rep. Adams, in which she informed him of his appointment to the renowned New York institution. Rep. Adams carefully considered the students’ exemplary academic and professional achievements before making their appointments.
“There is no doubt in my mind that Ben’s strong desire to be a leader in the Army will come to pass, because he has already demonstrated his leadership ability,” said Rep. Adams. “I commend him for his unyielding commitment to serve our great nation and continue the legacy of his family members who have also served."
Sheppard is ranked in the top ten percent of his high school as of December 2023 and a recent participant of the American Legion’s Tar Heel Boys State leadership training program. Sheppard loves mathematics and wishes to pursue a degree in Physics. He is expected to graduate from West Point in 2028.
CBCF Ally Financial Scholarship Now Accepting Applications!
USDA Announces Grant Funding and New Resources Available for Local and Regional Food Systems Development
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the availability of approximately $26 million for the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) to help local and regional food entities develop, coordinate, and expand producer-to-consumer marketing, local and regional food markets, and local food enterprises. USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is accepting applications for the grant program until May 14, 2024. Additionally, AMS has added to the suite of resources available to support communities and practitioners in local and regional food systems development.
That’s where I’ll lay my hat for this week. Thanks for reading!